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‘Scilly Call Centre’

Posted by Ferg

Story by Rebecca

So we are coming out of lockdown…

It has been a long time for all of us, I have certainly felt it. I have processed orders for thousands of pasties and still haven’t been able to have one myself!

Our Ann’s Pasty team never stopped and they have been so busy in the Helston kitchen, operating on a skeleton crew, that I was conscripted into the pasty team to field the phone calls and ordering. I had been working out in the Isles of Scilly when lockdown came and have been unable to get back. Like many UK businesses at this time the Ann’s Pasty team have been operating from remote locations. Myself and the logistics manager have been playing our part and orchestrating the delivery systems from our homes, miles away from the main action. Our little logistics network has been glibly named the ‘Scilly Call Centre’.

It has been amazing to be part of such a team even though I am not there; a real wartime effort with the added bonus of modern technology. It has been lovely to speak to people all over the country at a time like this, and it has been a real highlight of my isolation and I thank you very much for keeping me going.

We have very fortunately up until now been able to avoid Covid 19 in the Isles of Scilly, but now with the end of lockdown the islands are opening up again the allow travel to and from the mainland for both islanders and tourists. After five months I am very much looking forward to seeing my husband again!

Although only 28 miles off Lands End, Scilly is outside the radius of being able to post pasties to, so the islanders have clubbed together and organised a special shipment to come out to them. 450 pasties are being sent over by my husband, but still none for his wife!

So I decided to try my hand at making my own pasty again.

I have made and crimped a great many pasties since I met Ferg. I am following the famous Ann’s pasty recipe (available on the website), but not without a little alteration much to the detriment of my husband and in-laws. The turnip, which I do know makes a tastier pasty and gives Ann’s that signature flavour, is lessened and the amount of potato increased. (After all I am an island girl born and bred, Scillonian not Cornish!)

The Scillonian Pasty!

I hope you have all kept safe and well. It has been really lovely to speak to you all during lockdown and it really made my days.

All the best to you from all of the Ann’s Pasty Team

From Rebecca (Ann’s Daughter-in-law)